Monday, October 6, 2014

Tribal Connection 3 Art & Music Festival

Tribal Connection 3
Zane Shawnee Caverns- Bellefontaine, Ohio
May 15-18, 2014

I've been trying to think of a way to explain the events of this weekend for a while now. I guess I have to start way back at the Gathering at Chaffee 2012. While there, I met an awesome guy with a beautiful spirit and a love of travel and felt an instant affinity- i mentioned doing shots with a nomad in my Chaffee post- that was him!  So anyway, when I looked across the campfire at our site at Tribal and caught a glimpse of Zach's face on the first night I was instantly filled with a sense that this weekend was going to be amazing.

We reserved our usual spot- #63- and filled camp with a group of at least 15 friends. I decorated the campsite with lanterns I'd made of milk cartons so the whole place glowed at night. Every time someone wandered back and commented on the lanterns I just beamed.  One person said 'your spot just looks inviting!'- exactly the look I was going for! Even though the weekend was cold and rainy, our temporary community was warmed by a lot of LOVE... and a huge fire.  

Tribal always has an amazing lineup of musicians from many different genres performing on multiple stages- this year I enjoyed performances by many different acts including Tropidelic, Vibe n Direct, Minnesota, Funktional Flow and Crosby Sweater but I was most excited to see a band I LOVE- Moon Hooch- perform.  I danced and danced watching my green poncho spin around me and just loving the whole experience.  I was surrounded by friends and loved ones the entire weekend- amazing it was!

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